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The 6th International Conference on Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Change

Hong Kong, Aug 19-21, 2013

Keynote Speakers

William K.M. Lau, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Deputy Director for Atmospheres, Earth Science Division, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Dr. Lau's research interests include climate dynamics, atmospheric processes, air-sea interaction, aerosol-water cycle interactions, and climate variability and global change. He has a wide range of topics ranging from monsoon dynamics, air-sea interaction, hydrologic cycle and radiation interactions, seasonal-to-- variability, decadal variations, and aerosol-climate interaction and climate change. He received numerous awards and honors such as Honorary Professor at City University of Hong Kong, 2011; Distinguished Alumni University of Hong Kong, 2009; William Nordberg Memorial Award; NASA Management and Leadership Award; Fellow of AMS; Clarence Leroy Miesinger Award, “Top Ten Science and Technology Talents in the Washington area,” Selected by Washington Technology, 1987; John C. Lindsay Memorial, AGU Fellow. Currently, he serves as the president-elect for the Atmospheric Section of the American Geophysical Union.  He has published 235 refereed articles.
