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About Hong Kong

The 6th International Conference on Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Change

Hong Kong, Aug 19-21, 2013

Keynote Speakers

Da-Lin Zhang, University of Maryland

Professor and Deputy Chair of the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science of University of Maryland, adjunct 1000-plan scholar at the Chinese Academy of Meteorology, Prof. Zhang works on the modeling and understanding of fundamental processes taking place in squall lines, mesoscale convective complexes, hurricanes and heavy rain- (or snow-) storms, tropical and extratropical cyclones, gravity waves, frontal circulations and topographically generated weather phenomena. His research involves simulating a variety of different severe convective systems and cyclones; examining the meso-beta-scale structures and evolution as well as the mechanism(s) whereby they develop; testing theories, hypotheses and various model physical representations; and finally interpreting, to the extent possible, the observed behaviors of these weather systems. His research interests also include the development and improvement of the planetary boundary layer and cumulus parameterization techniques, cloud representations in mesoscale numerical models, and the improvement of warm-season quantitative precipitation forecasts and severe weather warnings. He is a recipient of Clarence Leroy Meisinger Award and fellow of American Meteorological Society, and fellow of Royal Meteorological Society. He has published 137 peered-reviewed articles. He served as an editor of Weather and Forecasting, Adv. in Atmos. Sci.
