Prof. Lv visits COAA and Univ. of Maryland
Feb, 2012
On February 25 and 27, 2012, Prof. Daren Lu at Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences visited COAA, NOAA, and University of Maryland, College Park. Prof. Lu is a well-regarded scientist in the field of Remote Sensing, Atmospheric Sciences, and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. His research involves in a wide range of ground-based and space-borne remote-sensing instrumentation, gravity waves, ozone variation, volcanic eruption, as well as stratosphere-troposphere coupling. He serves as chief scientists for several Satellite missions in China and National Sciences Foundation of China (NSFC)’s major research projects. He is a member of the Chinese Academy of Science since 2005.
COAA hosted a reception for Prof. Lu and his wife Prof. Jinli Liu in Columbia, Maryland on February 25. President Kung-Hwa Wang, former President Fuzhong Weng, and many COAA board members attended the reception. Prof. Lu introduced research activities he has been involved with and discussed a wide range of research topics with attendees. As one of the early generation of scientists in China, he also shared stories about the development of doctorate degree education program more than half a century ago. During the reception, Prof. Lu received COAA’s Honorary Member Award. Prof. Lu expresses his willing to contributing collaboration and exchanging between COAA and IAP scientists. .
On February 27, 2012, Prof. Lu visited the NOAA Center for Satellite Application and Research (STAR) office on the site in University of Maryland, and University of Maryland, College Park. Prof. Lu had a broad discussion with STAR SMCD acting chief Dr. Fuzhong Weng, OSPO ocean color product area lead Dr. Banghua Yan, and other SATR scientists. After that, Prof. Lu visited the Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center of the University of Maryland and gave a seminar entitled “Atmospheric Profiling Synthetic Observation System (APSOS) over Tibet”. Many students and professors from University of Maryland and scientists from NOAA and NASA attended the seminar with a great interest. Prof. Lu presented many aspects of the APSOS, an NSFC-funded major research project headed by Prof. Lu, including the scientific perspective and instrument implementation etc. The APSOS system consists of a number of lidar and microwave remote sensing instruments, many of which carry multi-wavelength, dual polarization, and Doppler capabilities. After being deployed on Tibet (with an average of 4000 m above sea level), this profiling system will be able to provide unique and important observations about atmospheric moisture, aerosol, cloud, trace gases, and solar irradiance. These observations will help scientists to understand a large variety of atmospheric and solar phenomena, and will also provide valuable ground-validation source for space-borne instruments.