COAA SCC Hosts Successful Chinese New Year Party
Feb 2010

COAA 2010 New Year Luncheon
Nearly 80 scholars and their families attended the fifth annual Chinese New Year Celebration on Feb 20, 2010 in Alhambra, CA. Organized by Chinese-American Oceanic Atmospheric Association Southern California Chapter (COAA SCC), the party began with a warm welcome from Professor Jin-Yi Yu (UCI), Chair of COAA SCC, and a speech celebrating the Year of Tiger from Professor Kuo-Nan Liou (UCLA). Presentations on Chinese poems and calligraphy by Professor Yuk Yung (Caltech), COAA SCC’s history by Professor Yongkang Xue (UCLA), the ex-Chair and founder of COAA SCC, preceded an inspiring New Year greeting from Dr. Lee-Lueng Fu (JPL). Ex-Chair Professor Yongkang Xue, ex-Secretary Dr. Hui Su (JPL), and ex-Treasurer Dr. Yu Gu (UCLA) received service award certificates from COAA SCC.
Professor Yu’s announcement of the 2010 Executive Committee members was followed by a brief and warm speech from Vice Chair Dr. Yi Chao (JPL). "Life after the PhD" by Professor Qinbin Li received positive feedback from graduate students and young scientists. Dr. Carol Hsu, an expert in realty, presented "Real Estate Opportunities and Strategies". Hsu’s informative "secret strategies" were praised by COAA SCC members and families.
Our institution representatives, Dr. Xianwei Wang (UCI), Junhong Liang and Yizhe Bu (UCLA), Dr. Hong Zhang (JPL-Ocean), Dr. Shuhui Wang (JPL-Atmosphere, ARB, USC), and Le Kuai (Caltech) introduced members in each institution. This introduction has become a tradition of the COAA SCC Chinese New Year Party that strengthens bonds between new members, colleagues, and old friends. Prize drawings coordinated by Dr. Shuhui Wang brought excitement and laughter to this happy gathering.
The party concluded with Minhui Lo’s (UCI) visual tour of the new COAA SCC website. The new website is user friendly and offers an active platform for members and friends to exchange information.